Welcome New Clients!

I recommend you start with a virtual Clarity Consult to establish if we’re a good fit.

If and when established, most of my services will be held in-person, in Toronto (West Queen West). If you’re not in the GTA (or willing to travel) - please reach out to me at kashflowpositive@gmail.com and we will get you set up for success!

If you’re in Toronto/ GTA then our Consult can be scheduled for in-person - with notice. Kindly let me know when booking that you’d prefer to do in person!

Spiritual Therapy


I offer transformative coaching sessions tailored for business leaders and individuals seeking to unlock their highest potential in career, relationships & health. Through a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insights gained from my background in commerce and software sales, I guide clients toward profound levels of discernment and self-mastery. Drawing upon universal principles and th... Read More

I offer transformative coaching sessions tailored for business leaders and individuals seeking to unlock their highest potential in career, relationships & health. Through a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insights gained from my background in commerce and software sales, I guide clients toward profound levels of discernment and self-mastery.

Drawing upon universal principles and the power of stillness, I help individuals create win-win scenarios in both their professional and personal lives, fostering a deep appreciation for every moment of existence. By integrating spiritual and professional aspects, we break through limitations, unlock inner light, and manifest outer success effortlessly. I support you as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing your divine gifts, and living in alignment with universal laws, ultimately realizing your full potential and crafting your dream reality.

Begin your transformational journey towards a fulfilling and empowered life!

I’m Kasia, pronounced Cash-ah, and I’m a Life Activation Practioner and Initiate with the North American Mystery School in the Lineage of King Salomon the Wise!

Mystery Schools have kept Ancient Wisdom safe & complete for thousands of years, away from the public who tended to twist and modify the teachings.

I’ve been on my own spiritual journey since 2018, and found the School in 2020 which is when my spiritual progression really took a leap forward. Like anything, I use my discernment as I progress to ensure that what I’m sharing with others is completely of the Light and void of interference and corruption.

I’m passionate about bringing joy to people’s lives and helping them hold it for themselves.

I recommend all my clients start with the Clarity Consult so we can get clear on your goals for your spiritual development. Naturally, the work you do in your Inner World radiates into the External to create a life that you LOVE!

Talk to you soon! <3

I’m Kasia, pronounced Cash-ah, and I’m a Life Activation Practioner and Initiate with the North A... Read More

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